What is the Purpose of the Festival?
There are many theories, stories, lost knowledge, and unknowns with Serpent Mound. The Friends of Serpent Mound started this festival as a way for the public to share and learn about those many facets. Our speakers have varied from locals, historians, Native Americans, scientists, spiritualist, and more. We are neither inclusive, nor exclusive. This started as just a one day event in 2009, and some years it is a 4-day event. Help us celebrate the first days of Summer with our annual festival. We hold this festival in the neighboring field to the east of Serpent Mound, at Soaring Eagle Retreat. This gives everyone an opportunity to enjoy the natural ambiance of Serpent Mound, separately from the hustle and bustle of the festival.
The Summer Solstice Celebration festival is to promote the multitude of aspects associated with Serpent Mound, from who made it, to how is it used today! Therefore, we are looking for individuals that would be interested in helping us educate the public in areas of…
- Historical and Ancient Knowledge, Traditional Skills and Crafts, Dowsing, Ley Lines, Archeoastronomy, Archaeology, Standing Stones, Crop Circles, Mound Builders, Artifacts, Stories and Legends, springs, and waterways…
- Along with the appreciation of nature – bird watching, herbs, wild flowers, native plant foraging, Earth Friendly ways, hiking and more…
- Finally, ways to enjoy Summer!
Who Can Vend?
As a Vendor, we are looking for wears and items that also focus on these topics. We are looking for artisans, crafters, traditional skills people, authors, researchers, and sellers of Items that focus on nature, herbs, plants, upcycling or repurposing, plus more. Contact us, if you are not sure your items are acceptable. Please note: Medicinal hemp to smoke, may be legal, but is not an item we allow used or sold on the property. Hemp oil is permitted.
Available Spaces
We offer 70 spots. We work on a first come, first served basis, and we try to only have no more than two alike booths. That is not to say that you may find several similar booths, they normally each carry something a little different to allow them a spot. Fill out a registration today, to see if you qualify, before paying, please.
No Registrations accepted after
June 17!
spots fill up fast, so register today!
June 20 – 22, 2025
Vendor Hours:
Thursday Evening or
Friday Morning by 2 pm
Festival Hours:
Friday, 3 pm – 7 pm
Saturday – Sunday
10 am – 7 pm
Vendors may start taking down on
Sunday, after 5 pm
What do we offer our Vendors?

Booth Space & a Workshop Slot
We offer a 12×12 Tent space for $65 if a non-food vendor. Food vendors are $85 and have access to electric. We also, offer a workshop tent for vendors to share their knowledge by doing an approved 30 to 45-minute demonstration, class, workshop, hike, or concert. You may charge a fee to cover the costs of your workshop, if the public walks away with something in their hands.
No Vendor will be accepted after June 17, 2024.
We ask that booths be in place and ready to sell by 3pm on Thursday, June 20, 2024. But also, that at 2pm each vendor attends a brief welcome at the main tent.

Camping right behind your booth.
Primitive camping is offered behind one’s booth. Fire pits can be dug, but patio fire pits are preferred or portable grills. RV’s and campers are allowed, but they are placed elsewhere in the field. We have a community area where one can use electric, but only the food vendors and FOSM Tents have electricity. We will have a water tank on site. We suggest bringing some jugs and filling them at the public spring, west of Serpent Mound along SR 73.
Vendors may have their immediate family join them during the festival. Vendors not wanting to attend the festival alone may have no more than one non-business partner or family member. If camping, everyone will camp next to the vending site.

After Hours Activities
We will not be doing public activities after 7 pm. We hope to offer the vendors an experience, as well as the opportunity to sell. Plus, we want to get to know you more. Therefore, you can close up by 7 pm and attend the annual Sunset Tour or stay open to the other vendors. We will get back with you on our complete after hours activities. Quiet time starts at midnight.
Things we’ve offered in the past during our after hours included a ghost hike, open Q&A with our speakers, Open Mic, Drumming, campfire singing, lectures and a trade blanket.
Festival Rules
- This is a family friendly event – there is to be NO alcohol, drugs, guns, or nudity!
- Children are welcome and must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.
- There is no smoking in the Main Tents, in the port-o-lets or within the group hikes. There are proper places to put one’s cigarette butts, so please do not throw them on the ground.
- Dogs are permitted, but must be leashed at all times, next to owner, and must be cleaned up after.
- The back gate to the Serpent Mound Park is closed. One can use the Buckeye Trail to access the park during open hours.
Register Online to be a Vendor
One may use the form below or download a form to print and mail in…
PDF – SummerSolsticeVendorForm2024
Please, SUBMIT the above form, and let the page refresh saying it has been submitted BEFORE paying With the PayPal link below.
We will try our best to respond back to you within 24 hours.
Where is the festival?
Soaring Eagle Retreat is east of Serpent Mound and the Ohio History Connection has asked that all of our participants come in from the Horner Chapel entrance and park in our field. One can assess Serpent Mound park via the Buckeye Trail during Park hours.
375 Horner Chapel Rd., Peebles, OH 45660